About Sam
People describe me as organised. I'm constantly being told "you do a lot of stuff" and asked "how do you do it?" and now I've decided its more efficient to put it all in one place. I created this page to share some of the general successes I've found to improve my quality of life (and save money) in a trying decade. I hope it saves you time, energy, money or sanity, and perhaps even provides some inspiration and tools to make this crazy life a little easier on you!
Technically a millennial, I was born in 1985 in Guildford and lived around most of the Thames Valley almost all my life. I gained an MChem in Chemistry in 2009 and following a few years in the industry I went solo backpacking across Asia. I've always been passionate about preventing climate change and pollution and mulling it over I decided to volunteer with a group of young climate change activists (UKYCC) which opened the door to becoming a UK Youth Delegate to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and working with the Tories, Labour, Lib Dem and Green parties on climate change policy. I eventually changed tack to more practical carbon reduction and completed my doctorate in the extremely niche area of "Energy Reduction from Food Preparation in Commercial Catering" (and had my first baby at the same time). Ever since, I've worked in several energy and carbon reduction consultant roles both for myself, with my friends and as PAYE employee at some great consulting and technology firms.
Whether its motivated by loving what I do, fear of redundancy during the pandemic, greed and wanting more money to travel, not being able to say "no" or boredom, I now have three jobs, work for three charities, have backpacked 17 countries with young children and have a money pit renovation disaster house. Since having my second and third child during the pandemic I've been asked to share my thoughts/tips/research into how I've raised them all to sleep and eat well and how I manage homeschooling/lockdown entertainment alongside an extremely busy life. Since a catastrophic hard drive theft has taken me back to the beginning of digital management again, I figured now is the time to share what I have to offer while I rebuild. Please get in touch via the contact form if you would like to know more.