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1 min read
Friday 1st May Week 6 Day 3: Planting potatoes and elastic-animal-rescue…!
Animal rescue #2 – a bit risky with the multiple elastic bands but I figured I’d see what happened. Thankfully no painful snaps ensued....
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1 min read
Thursday 30th April: Week 6 Day 2: Tape-pull-animal-rescue and veggie printing
Max was so into his Supertato squeal at the beginning of the week he wanted to “write” a follow up today. A good day for something...
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1 min read
Wednesday 29th April Week 6 Day 1: Supertato veggie-roll-race (and god what gets Crayola off skin!)
We enter the 6th week…! This week has been a lot easier with the kids/panic/guilt/pressure since I put the timetables and plans together...
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1 min read
Tuesday 28th April Week 5 Day 7: Pom-pom sorting and a Supertato sequel
Great day today as the "Supertato" characters activity ended up in making book. Also featured learning quarters, pom-pom sorting (we just...
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1 min read
Monday 27th April Week 5 Day 6 - Supertato pea trap and natural materials messy play
I've finally got to a place where I have prepped the entire week in one go over the weekend! This means others can get the resources and...
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1 min read
Friday 24th April Week 5 Day 3: Climate change presentation/activity and oobleck
Anyone else never worked so hard in their lives? Due to my love of the climate and my small children, I've been asked to put together on...
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1 min read
Thursday 23rd April Week 5 Day 2: Underwater dream house
It has been 1 month today since Max left school 😔 For the last 2 weeks Max has been working on his submission to the Savills “Little...
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1 min read
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 – Week 5 day 1 - Dino hunt and low cost duct tape pull!
Great morning this morning, I’m really chuffed with the low cost, low prep entertainment for the small one today. Duct tape all over a...
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1 min read
21st April 2020 - Week 4: day 6. Frozen watercolours, fact files and fox sandwiches
Planting out the seedlings, frozen watercolour painting (learning primary colours), phonics worksheets, Read Write Inc videos, White Rose...
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4 min read
Homeschool beginnings - April 2020
Like so many others I struggled deeply to find my own way through navigating #homeschooling, (only a few short months after being asked...
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