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Monday 27th April Week 5 Day 6 - Supertato pea trap and natural materials messy play

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

I've finally got to a place where I have prepped the entire week in one go over the weekend! This means others can get the resources and ideas in advance) #ourpartnernetwork #strongertogether and I get my evenings back for literally the first night in 6 weeks (Jesus this has been knackering). This week our maths activities this week are based on the book “Supertato”. Max really engaged with this Supertato themed counting and cutting and shape arrangement - making a jelly prison for the evil pea! We found more halves with coins, did some Read Write Inc, drawing and labelling plants and after school we had a teddy bears picnic and minibeast safari.


Jelly cubes!! Nature messy play/tray: a large baking tray filled with conkers, feathers, sand, acorns, grims pebbles, pinecones, rocks, shells, sticks, flowers and leaves Minibeast hunt: all you need is any outdoor space, a tupperware pot and a magnifying glass. We have a bug viewer magnifier pot and a microscope as well. We also have this tick sheet: “ire” sound works worksheet: Making shapes/cages with jelly cubes and Supertato: Making halves with counters and coins: Go Noodle Zumba:



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