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Thursday 23rd April Week 5 Day 2: Underwater dream house

It has been 1 month today since Max left school šŸ˜” For the last 2 weeks Max has been working on his submission to the Savills ā€œLittle Architects competitionā€ and today we finally submitted his ā€œunderwater dream houseā€. From Max: "I made a model of my dream home. It is underwater and has a dome in a kelp forest and a roof that comes off for my submarine to come out of and land in. It has tubes between different rooms and a hydrothermal vent for heating. It is made from cardboard, a shoe box, a butter tub, a yogurt pot and 4 bits of curtain pole. I decorated it with pipe cleaners, pom poms and sequins." #renewableenergy #startthemyoung #reuse

Other highlights included Boogie Beebies, ā€œoa soundsā€ worksheets, more work on equal groups (Max eats raisins in 2s and 5s), pom-poms and pasta posting, shaving foam animals, magnetic white boards, making mango lollies, making a rocket den, the old classic of Frog Muffins. Mummy contemplates whether she has ever been so exhausted in all her lifeā€¦ Todays resources and links to the competition if you fancy it: Savills little architect competition: ā€œoaā€ sounds worksheet: Boogie Beebies ā€“ Hey Monkey White Rose Maths:



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